Maker Faire : Intel Developer Forum
Last Thursday Steve and I where at a the Mini Maker Faire at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco. There were probably close to 30 makers in attendance, ranging from robots and electronics projects to Steampunk musicians.
It was the last night of the show and the party was packed. We got to mingle with some cool people and show off Artoo and a bunch of parts and explain what goes into making your very own droid.
I’m in the computer industry so it was strange to be there as an outsider providing entertainment for the evening. It did allow me to make some obscure jokes about Intel chips that nobody would normally get.
This guy was upset because I didn’t have my transmitter in a bag to hide it from onlookers 🙂
We did a couple of interviews and TV spots, including this one with Wil Harris from ChannelFlip. I’ve been listening to him for years on Twit and it was fun to finally meet him.
Big thanks to the Make team for inviting us to this event – they really do know how to organize a great show.
More photos in the gallery.
Posted by Chris on August 28th, 2008 in Events | Comments Off on Maker Faire : Intel Developer Forum
Tags: idf, intel, make magazine, maker faire, makerfaire, san francisco, video