R2 WonderCon coverage at SW.com
Bonnie Burton over at the Official SW Blog did a real nice write up of our attendance at WonderCon this year, including some great photos and videos – check it out.
Bonnie Burton over at the Official SW Blog did a real nice write up of our attendance at WonderCon this year, including some great photos and videos – check it out.
Here’s some photos and video from our WonderCon on Sunday, including our R2 Builders Panel.
Sundays builders in attendance: Me, Steve, Matt, Grant and Gerard.
This is the first year where we’ve done two days of WonderCon with our droids, but we were locked into Sunday because our panel was that day. With it being Easter Sunday we were a little concerned that attendance would be low. We were also going to be one of the last panels of the day, and on top of that they put is in a much bigger room this year. But about 10 minutes before the start people began to line up outside and we just about filled the room. We were told it was probably the fullest panel on the Mezz level all weekend.
We bumped into Bonnie Burton from SW.com early on Sunday morning.
I just had to get a photo with Wolverine Solo
I lost count how many hugs Artoo got thru the day
We also did a couple of interviews, or at least Artoo did
Lots of children in attendance this year, and I don’t think Artoo made any cry
Artoo got to meet a couple of celebrities again, incl. Peter Mayhew and Lou Ferrigno
Before the panel started I got to speak with some future builders who had questions about the controller
Matt did an awesome job of leading the panel 🙂
To mix things up I drove Artoo into the audience thru the presentation, sometimes responding to Matt’s point in the presentation to point out or demo something on the droid or even to heck or beep at back at him. The crowd love it
The room was just about full and we got some great questions and feedback from the attendees
After the panel was done we hung out side to try and answer more questions – And wanting to share I sometime entrust my Artoo for others to try out, this was Barry driving him. He’s one of the official WonderCon photographers who’s shared some great photos with us over the years.
We were done by 4pm and I was feeling good that the weekend went well. As I went to pick up the van, my wife took this photo of Artoo carrying his new backpack ready to drive out. It thought it look like he was at an airport ready to go on holiday after a busy few days of work 🙂
I owe a big thanks to Matt for organizing our attendance this year, and also to Gerard for coming back in on Sunday to help as our backup handler. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have an extra set of hands. As far as I’m concerned it’s almost impossible to have a stress free day if you try and attend an event like this on your own.
As usual many more photos can be found in the gallery.
Posted by Chris on April 5th, 2010 in Events | 2 Comments
Tags: wondercon
Bonnie Burton shot this video of my Artoo at WonderCon this morning. Enjoy.
Link to the original youtube video.
Posted by Chris on April 4th, 2010 in Events | 1 Comment
Tags: holo projector, hologram, holoprojector, leia, wondercon
WonderCon started today, and we’ll be there with our droids on Saturday and Sunday. Our panel is on Sunday at 1:30pm.
I’ve been busy the last few nights fixing some thing as well as streamlining how I’ll be carry my gear in. I was got caught short last year and had trouble hauling out my stuff at the end of the day. Unloading and loading has always been a pain at the Moscone and I wanted to be more self sufficient this year. Fingers crossed it’ll go smooth tomorrow.
Here’s the pack I rigged up some bungees on Artoo so he can carry a heavy pack with an extra set of batteries (2 x 18AH), tools, charger etc. The pack also rests on the battery boxes for extra support.
Posted by Chris on April 2nd, 2010 in Events | Comments Off on WonderCon start today