Here’s some more photos of the Mystery Box, I’m sure most of you guessed it was to store a dome.
It was made by Matt Mccormick for our trip down to R2LA this past weekend. Thanks Matt!
Posted by Chris on October 12th, 2009 in General | Comments Off on Dome Travel Box
A couple of people have asked about the replacement 2.5″ wheels I got for my front foot setup back in May from California Caster.
The soft rubber wheels are made by Darnell-Rose, and product number/markings on them show “Darnell Corp X-6 2 1-2 Calf.”. Unfortunately, I can’t find my original receipt nor the wheel in Darnell’s catalog or California Caster’s website. If I find it I’ll try and remember to update this post, but I think if you call up and say X-6 2- 1-2, you be okay.
oh! and a point of clarification, I’m still using the original Proctor Glove / Arrow Hardware caster assembly
Left: Original Proctor Glove wheel – shaved down to 2.5″
Middle: New Darnell wheel
Right: Full Proctor Glove 3″ caster
Here’s some photos from this years RoboGames, which is held annual in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Big thanks to Matt Mccormick and his me with Artoo at the end of the day.
Notice the thing around my neck? I won the Gold medal in the art bot category.
In the pits
More photos here.
If your name is not Matt, can you guess what this is?
And no, it’s not a hat box and I’m sure you’ve guessed by now 🙂
Answer: Dome Travel Box
Previous Mystery Box
Some photos from this years Maker Faire
Education Day
Maker Party
Chris E’s droid with mine next to a Tesla electric sports car.
Chris E fixing his drive train
Lego R2!
SW Craft with Bonnie Burton
Maker Awards – I think we got 4 or 5 this year.
Other random robots, the first was a wearable Robbie – guy does amazing work and is local – alas I lost his card.