Don Who?

Okay, long story short. I got an email from McMaster saying that there was an R2 Builders gathering/dinner up in San Rafael this weekend. Of course I was going but was a little curious/suspicious on why it was all the way up in San Rafael (i.e. LFL’s backyard) when most people were coming from down south.

My suspiouns were confirmed when I arrived tonight to find that Don Bies will be there.

Of course I was prepared and had something ready for him to sign. Here’s me and Don while he signs my Aluminum Radar Eye from DroidStuff. Over dinner there was some discussion on the accuracy of the eye, but Don commented that it’s much nicer than any eye that was ever made for a screen used R2.

Chris and Don Bies

It was really good to meet some fellow builders and talk thru some issues.

oh! and I got to meet THE Victor and Mike Senna who drove up from LA and arrived after most people had left – but we got to hang out for at least another hour or so in the parking lot talking shop and running Mike’s R2 around 🙂

Big thanks to Michael McMaster and Kevin for organizing the event.

Posted by Chris on November 18th, 2006 in General | Comments Off on Don Who?

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