New Battery Holder
I really am building honest and Artoo is back on the workbench.
I’ve revised my battery charging system and in the process of making a new harness for the larger batteries. I’m also reworking my fuse system, so basically everything had to come out. This may look like a mess, but I know where everything goes back honest!
The new battery harness is designed it in such a way that I can mix my old 7ah batteries and the newer 18ah. I added a little arm that folds out and holds the smaller battery when needed.
Here it is with mixed 18ah and 7ah batteries in place
Arm out of the way and two 18ah batteries this time
Tonite I’m hoping to finish up the re-wiring.
Posted by Chris on April 16th, 2008 in Electronics | Comments Off on New Battery Holder
Tags: batteries, battery, battery harness