PSI Blinker Units from Fiber Optic Products

Just got the PSI Blinker Units from Fiber Optic Products.

This is somewhat of a warning, and time saver to others to get the right thing the first time. If you’ve ever tried to use their website you’ll understand my frustration and confusion. And their return policy is a nightmare to read. They’re email address also doesn’t work and they never answer the phone.

I’d ordered the Dual LED Blinker Unit based on recommendations on the Builders Forum


There’s two reasons I’m disappointed, 1) the flash/blink is not very accurate at all, and 2) the description reads like the flash rate was adjustable – but they’re not. Here’s the text from the website –

“The New R2D2 Unit will flash the Red Long, Blue Short, or Yellow Long, Green Short. The Duel-2 unit has adjustable speed for each LED. Please select color choice. DO NOT turn pot full or you will burn out unit!”

They have another well hidden page that’s the New Dual-2.

Newer Dual-2 PSI Board

I know I know, they say that in the text for the Dual but it sounded like that’s what I was ordering.

Boards look identical BTW – just a variable resistors/pots in two spots instead of a fix resistor, so I may try and swap them out if I can’t return them.

The only saving thing was that they’re were only $8.50 a piece.

I really should have just waited for the next PSI run from Dan.

Posted by Chris on January 1st, 2007 in Dome, Electronics | Comments Off on PSI Blinker Units from Fiber Optic Products

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