R2 Maker Faire News Coverage
I’ve been inundated with emails from people who saw us at Maker Faire. Here’s some of the reaction from the internet and media out there.
- NY Times – their tagline “R2-D2 Was Everywhere!”
- Official Star Wars Blog
- Gizmodo – DIY R2-D2 Is Even Better than the Real Thing
- News.com.au
- Laughing Squid
- Current_ [1][2]
- Make:
- Wired.com
- ComputerWorld.com/IDG
And if you Google on “Maker Faire R2D2” then you should get a sea of blog posts and videos 🙂
Posted by Chris on May 7th, 2008 in Events | 1 Comment
Tags: maker faire, maker faire 2008, makerfaire, media, news
Victor Franco remarks on May 7th, 2008 at 7:54 pm
Awesome coverage! Great job to you and the guys!