Dome Pie Panel Control
I’ve almost finished the electronics and programming to control the new hinged pie panels. I’m using a small 18X PICAXE micro-controller coupled with a few buttons on the RF remote.
Check out the video of the panels in action.
I’m also in the process of replacing the veclro that attaches the servos to the dome with something a bit more permanent. The brackets are made from aluminum angle (1.5″x1.5″ and 1/16″ thick).
They’re attached to the top of the hinge and the bolts from the mounting plate that already fix to the dome.
As a side note, if I was doing this again I’d adjust the hinge position a tad. The pies open to the vertical position, but it would have been nice if they’d open a little further, and I figured out (too late) that the lower the hinge is on the pie panel the further it will open – but too far and the hinge will not clear the dome properly.
See Also:
- Dome Pie Panel Servo Setup
- Dome Pie Panel Hinge Experiments
- Discussion of my Pie Panel setup on – some really cool suggestions.
Posted by Chris on July 17th, 2008 in Dome, Electronics | 2 Comments
Tags: hinge, hinges, PICAXE, pie panel, robart, servo, servos