Maker Faire 2011 – belated post
Here’s a selection of photos from last years Maker Faire.I got sick right after the event and forgot I hadn’t upload my photos.
Only 7 more days till Maker Faire 2012 !!
We had an awesome turn out last year, with over ten builders in attendance at some point over the weekend. Don Bies and Grant Imahara joined us for a group photo.
R2 has become so popular at the faire, that they now provide their own droids for people to take photos with
As always lots of children at the faire, some more adventurous than others
Artoo loves to see Star Wars tee’s
Mark demonstrated his awesome 2-3-2 droid
And Artoo always appreciate the hard work from the Make team who put on the faire
Johnathan, our droid security guard, was there again
And there was a ton of Android/Arduino robot mashups
This young girl stopped by to say thank you to Artoo for being there, she gave him a personalized note
The family later emailed to tell me Artoo inspired them to make their own droids
Posted by Chris on May 11th, 2012 in Events | Comments Off on Maker Faire 2011 – belated post
Tags: maker faire, yo